Why buy a pair of shoes that hurt you as soon as you put them on?
Why eat something that you don't really like?
Why dress to make a fashion statement when it's not actually your style?
Why date someone who doesn't make you laugh?
Why take a job because "at least it's a job"?
Why not *ask* if the worst that can happen is to receive a "no"?
Why drink or smoke just because others are doing it?
Why not try something new?
Why accept things the way they are because "that's the way they are"?
Why not fight for what you truly believe in?
Why give up and think "there's nothing I can do.."?
Why undermine your own power and abilities?
Why not believe you are indeed very talented?
Why attend a gathering you're not interested in?
Why buy something to make the sales person happy?
Why not ask for help when all you really want is help?
Why insist no advice given to you can ever be good?
Why believe you simply can't?
Why befriend someone who doesn't add value to your life?
Why not forgive?
Why choose negativity over positive thoughts?
Why do something you don't want to?
Why live in uncertainty?
Why not believe your dreams can come true?
Why not make decisions just because others have made them already?
Why settle for less when you can change all of this around? Why?
We are fully responsible for our lives.
At any point, we can say "No more". At any point we can start doing what is right for us and for our loved ones. At any point, we can ask for help. Don't accept it just the way it is. If you even think you should go against it, why are you not?
What is holding you back to BE the best human being you can ever be?
(Image found on Google Images)
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