First of all, let me briefly tell you I grew up a total meat-eater. Hamburgers were my favorite food, and my Mom's Ham & Cheese Lasagna was also always a hit at home! I loved a succulent filet and loved dining at Brazilian Steakhouses. That all changed in my 20's. I'm not here to preach anybody on Vegetarianism, mostly because it is a personal choice (my children aren't even Vegetarians) but, after long admitting my passion for animals and silently "suffering" with them, I started cutting back on eating meat. It hasn't happened too long ago and not all at once! In fact, in 2009, when I was pregnant with Nati, I craved and ate hamburgers from "Five Guys" every single week. Last year I decided I was ready to become a full Vegetarian. After 5 months on it, I decided to change and become a Pescatorian, or Pescetarian - I went back to eating fish (Salmon, Tuna, Sea Bass). That's it for meat. No other meat. Needless to say, my protein intake in that half year dropped immensely. Although working out a bit, I still didn't have the muscles I had in 2010 and 2011.
In 2010 I did a wonderful 12-week program called "Body for Life". It was by far the best exercise and nutrition program I had ever done in my life. Not only did I drop 10% of my body fat in only 12 weeks, but I also gained so much lean muscle mass. I kept it up a bit in 2011, but didn't maintain it properly, and now I am back to it again. I started the program 2 weeks ago, and so far, it's been awesome. Weight lifting and high intensity cardio are part of the program. Nothing impossible to do. And you get a day off! BUT, the biggest secret is the nutrition factor. And I saw it happening; I saw the magic happening in 2010. Muscles growing and strong Denise appearing!
The program and my personal Trainer (Brad Minns) taught me the importance of eating enough protein. Basically, to put on muscle, really, you gotta eat 1g of protein per pound (not Kilo!) of body weight. Right now I weigh 125 pounds, so, I should consume 125g of protein every day to increase my lean muscle mass, decrease my body fat and become lean. I have long been the "fake skinny", having low body weight but no muscles - which was the case when I first met Brad in 2010, weighing in at only 117 pounds. But my body fat % then was 28%!!! Wow! Super high body fat % with no muscles. Something was wrong. I changed that around and at the end of 12 weeks, I weighed 121 pounds with 18% fat - for my height, the borderline from normal to lean. I looked and felt so much stronger.
Without the higher intake of protein, I would have NEVER achieved those results. Eating clean along with it was a must, of course, so, cutting sugars and white flour, pasta, too much bread,...all that was minimal. Drinking plenty of water to stay hydrated was a daily task, while eating every 3-4 hours became the norm. I was never hungry!
My point on protein is this, and this is what I've been reading all long: To maintain your muscles while casually working out, at least 0.8g per pound (not Kilo!) of body weight. To increase muscle mass, you must up this. You must fuel your muscles! You must give them the building blocks to GROW. I've done it, and I know it works. 1 to 1.5g of protein per pound of body weight!
Now, doing it again, I'm taking it up a notch, including supplements for exercising and adding protein shakes, which, oh my goodness, have SO much protein (30g!) and taste so great! Protein keeps you full and satisfied for a long time. Variety is key! Be creative!
Here a picture of a few great protein sources I use on a daily basis, low in fat, low in sugar, low in calories overall (I didn't take a picture of eggs, egg whites, cottage cheese, smoked salmon, quinoa, tofu, soy, brown rice, beans, but all of these I consume as well!):
This Muscle Milk protein shake is DELICIOUS.
Both "Oh Yeah" and "Power Crunch" bars are packed with protein and SO yummy.
Almond Butter is a great substitute for those with peanut allergies!
I hope you enjoyed this post and hope you share the passion for a healthy lifestyle! One more secret: Don't be paranoid! The occasional "treat" is totally OK! Pizza, chocolate, ice cream, fries...we all have those faves!
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